PSP walk throughs seem to becoming more and more popular these days. But are you cheating yourself out the game? When I was a kid, my favorite game was Legend of Zelda on the Nintendo. It literally took me months to figure out where to find all the weapons, levels, hearts, etc.
If I were playing the game today, I could simply Google the term "Legend of Zelda Walk through" and I would have all the answers to every question I had about Zelda right there on my computer screen. Is this the way the games were meant to be played? I talk to some people that download a new PSP game and download the PSP walk through and have the whole thing figured out that very same day. Where's the fun in that?
Really I don't care what you do. If that's how you want to play the games, to each his own, right? With the Internet and the PSP download membership sites you can download all the games you want for free. So maybe people don't want to spend weeks or months trying to figure out the complex levels of some these new games. They just want to download the games, download the PSP walk through guides, cruise through the games as fast as they can and then download the next game.
With so many new games coming out and with the games being available for download as soon as they are released, more and more PSP gamers are going this route. For me, I like to enjoy the games and use the PSP walk through as a means of getting past a part of the game I am stuck on and get to the point where it's frustrating.
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