Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big Red Barn Play Set, Opens up for Storage and Fun Action

Big Red Barn Play Set, Opens up for Storage and Fun Action Review

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 29, 2010 13:45:34

New Book New Books

Saturday, August 28, 2010

James Cameron's Avatar: The Game - Flying The Great Leonopteryx

Sorry about the bad filming

New Books New Book

Avatar - Avatar Jake Sully

A video review of the new AVATAR toy line based on James Cameron's movie, "Avatar". The review is a look at the 3.75-4 inch figures including quality, articulation, play value, purchase worthiness, and overall appeal.

New Books New Book

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Iron Man 2 TRU exclusive Star Flare Armor Review

Toys R Us Exclusive Iron Man 2 Concept Series mission tech Star Flare armor til the end for Matlock wks video

New Books New Book


Gladiator Review

Gladiator Feature

  • Papo Gladiator figurine
  • Age 3+
  • Made with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.
  • Top Quality Children's Item.

Gladiator Overview

The Papo toy line features beatifully crafted figurines of knights, pirates, castles and enchanted creatures. Papo toys come in a wide variety of colors, all hand painted and bursting with imagination. With Papo Knights toys, a world of medieval castles, brave knights, and fierce dragons comes to life. With Papo toys, your children will enjoy hours of imaginative play in wondrous worlds of conquest and battle, chivalry and horse play. Papo toys encourage your kids to use their imagination to create their own magical kingdom.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 26, 2010 09:50:21

New Book New Books

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

AVATAR Music Video - Love You To Death

This is my first AVATAR Music Video, and it is mainly focused on the love and passion between Jake Sully and Neytiri. The audio it Type O Negative`s beautiful and powerful "Love You To Death", which in this video flows majestically well with the 2009 epic James Cameron`s Avatar. And this video is SURE to please any HARDCORE AVATAR fan!, and be sure to check out the rest of the ELDERPREDATOR Movie Music Video Collection Ifyou`re new to My Videos, I hope you like what you see because I have an entire arsenel of 120+ Sci-fi/Action/Adventure/Drama/Horror/Martial Arts/Romance/Military/Fantasy Movie Music Videos that will all soon return to the internet. If you`re a returning fan/friend well you know what you can expect from me =)..And make sure you check out all the other Classics that are already back up! (TO READ MORE ABOUT WHAT HAPPEN TO MY OTHER ACCOUNTS PLEASE VISIT MY YOUTUBE PROFILE) Enjoy!...

New Book

Marvel Legends Nemesis Series BlackBolt Review

Thanks to Boxintypex For the figure....Thanks bro!!! paint and joints are unusual... 3 out of 5 stars

New Books New Book

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

DC Universe Wave 11 Cyborg Superman

New Book New Books

Flandres Knight Blue

Flandres Knight Blue Review

Flandres Knight Blue Feature

  • Papo Flanders Knight Blue is a Knight within the Knights and Horses range
  • Addition of any of the Figures in this range will greatly enhance your Castle World playset
  • Papo is a French company that makes high quality plastic toys
  • Hand-painted and highly detailed molded plastic figures
  • Ages 4+

Flandres Knight Blue Overview

The Papo toy line features beatifully crafted figurines of knights, pirates, castles and enchanted creatures. Papo toys come in a wide variety of colors, all hand painted and bursting with imagination. With Papo Knights toys, a world of medieval castles, brave knights, and fierce dragons comes to life. With Papo toys, your children will enjoy hours of imaginative play in wondrous worlds of conquest and battle, chivalry and horse play. Papo toys encourage your kids to use their imagination to create their own magical kingdom.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 24, 2010 02:30:08

New Book

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Metaphors of the Net

I. The Genetic Blueprint

A decade after the invention of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee is promoting the "Semantic Web". The Internet hitherto is a repository of digital content. It has a rudimentary inventory system and very crude data location services. As a sad result, most of the content is invisible and inaccessible. Moreover, the Internet manipulates strings of symbols, not logical or semantic propositions. In other words, the Net compares values but does not know the meaning of the values it thus manipulates. It is unable to interpret strings, to infer new facts, to deduce, induce, derive, or otherwise comprehend what it is doing. In short, it does not understand language. Run an ambiguous term by any search engine and these shortcomings become painfully evident. This lack of understanding of the semantic foundations of its raw material (data, information) prevent applications and databases from sharing resources and feeding each other. The Internet is discrete, not continuous. It resembles an archipelago, with users hopping from island to island in a frantic search for relevancy.

Even visionaries like Berners-Lee do not contemplate an "intelligent Web". They are simply proposing to let users, content creators, and web developers assign descriptive meta-tags ("name of hotel") to fields, or to strings of symbols ("Hilton"). These meta-tags (arranged in semantic and relational "ontologies" - lists of metatags, their meanings and how they relate to each other) will be read by various applications and allow them to process the associated strings of symbols correctly (place the word "Hilton" in your address book under "hotels"). This will make information retrieval more efficient and reliable and the information retrieved is bound to be more relevant and amenable to higher level processing (statistics, the development of heuristic rules, etc.). The shift is from HTML (whose tags are concerned with visual appearances and content indexing) to languages such as the DARPA Agent Markup Language, OIL (Ontology Inference Layer or Ontology Interchange Language), or even XML (whose tags are concerned with content taxonomy, document structure, and semantics). This would bring the Internet closer to the classic library card catalogue.

Even in its current, pre-semantic, hyperlink-dependent, phase, the Internet brings to mind Richard Dawkins' seminal work "The Selfish Gene" (OUP, 1976). This would be doubly true for the Semantic Web.

Dawkins suggested to generalize the principle of natural selection to a law of the survival of the stable. "A stable thing is a collection of atoms which is permanent enough or common enough to deserve a name". He then proceeded to describe the emergence of "Replicators" - molecules which created copies of themselves. The Replicators that survived in the competition for scarce raw materials were characterized by high longevity, fecundity, and copying-fidelity. Replicators (now known as "genes") constructed "survival machines" (organisms) to shield them from the vagaries of an ever-harsher environment.

This is very reminiscent of the Internet. The "stable things" are HTML coded web pages. They are replicators - they create copies of themselves every time their "web address" (URL) is clicked. The HTML coding of a web page can be thought of as "genetic material". It contains all the information needed to reproduce the page. And, exactly as in nature, the higher the longevity, fecundity (measured in links to the web page from other web sites), and copying-fidelity of the HTML code - the higher its chances to survive (as a web page).

Replicator molecules (DNA) and replicator HTML have one thing in common - they are both packaged information. In the appropriate context (the right biochemical "soup" in the case of DNA, the right software application in the case of HTML code) - this information generates a "survival machine" (organism, or a web page).

The Semantic Web will only increase the longevity, fecundity, and copying-fidelity or the underlying code (in this case, OIL or XML instead of HTML). By facilitating many more interactions with many other web pages and databases - the underlying "replicator" code will ensure the "survival" of "its" web page (=its survival machine). In this analogy, the web page's "DNA" (its OIL or XML code) contains "single genes" (semantic meta-tags). The whole process of life is the unfolding of a kind of Semantic Web.

In a prophetic paragraph, Dawkins described the Internet:

"The first thing to grasp about a modern replicator is that it is highly gregarious. A survival machine is a vehicle containing not just one gene but many thousands. The manufacture of a body is a cooperative venture of such intricacy that it is almost impossible to disentangle the contribution of one gene from that of another. A given gene will have many different effects on quite different parts of the body. A given part of the body will be influenced by many genes and the effect of any one gene depends on interaction with many others...In terms of the analogy, any given page of the plans makes reference to many different parts of the building; and each page makes sense only in terms of cross-reference to numerous other pages."

What Dawkins neglected in his important work is the concept of the Network. People congregate in cities, mate, and reproduce, thus providing genes with new "survival machines". But Dawkins himself suggested that the new Replicator is the "meme" - an idea, belief, technique, technology, work of art, or bit of information. Memes use human brains as "survival machines" and they hop from brain to brain and across time and space ("communications") in the process of cultural (as distinct from biological) evolution. The Internet is a latter day meme-hopping playground. But, more importantly, it is a Network. Genes move from one container to another through a linear, serial, tedious process which involves prolonged periods of one on one gene shuffling ("sex") and gestation. Memes use networks. Their propagation is, therefore, parallel, fast, and all-pervasive. The Internet is a manifestation of the growing predominance of memes over genes. And the Semantic Web may be to the Internet what Artificial Intelligence is to classic computing. We may be on the threshold of a self-aware Web.

2. The Internet as a Chaotic Library

A. The Problem of Cataloguing

The Internet is an assortment of billions of pages which contain information. Some of them are visible and others are generated from hidden databases by users' requests ("Invisible Internet").

The Internet exhibits no discernible order, classification, or categorization. Amazingly, as opposed to "classical" libraries, no one has yet invented a (sorely needed) Internet cataloguing standard (remember Dewey?). Some sites indeed apply the Dewey Decimal System to their contents (Suite101). Others default to a directory structure (Open Directory, Yahoo!, Look Smart and others).

Had such a standard existed (an agreed upon numerical cataloguing method) - each site could have self-classified. Sites would have an interest to do so to increase their visibility. This, naturally, would have eliminated the need for today's clunky, incomplete and (highly) inefficient search engines.

Thus, a site whose number starts with 900 will be immediately identified as dealing with history and multiple classification will be encouraged to allow finer cross-sections to emerge. An example of such an emerging technology of "self classification" and "self-publication" (though limited to scholarly resources) is the "Academic Resource Channel" by Scindex.

Moreover, users will not be required to remember reams of numbers. Future browsers will be akin to catalogues, very much like the applications used in modern day libraries. Compare this utopia to the current dystopy. Users struggle with mounds of irrelevant material to finally reach a partial and disappointing destination. At the same time, there likely are web sites which exactly match the poor user's needs. Yet, what currently determines the chances of a happy encounter between user and content - are the whims of the specific search engine used and things like meta-tags, headlines, a fee paid, or the right opening sentences.

B. Screen vs. Page

The computer screen, because of physical limitations (size, the fact that it has to be scrolled) fails to effectively compete with the printed page. The latter is still the most ingenious medium yet invented for the storage and release of textual information. Granted: a computer screen is better at highlighting discrete units of information. So, these differing capacities draw the battle lines: structures (printed pages) versus units (screen), the continuous and easily reversible (print) versus the discrete (screen).

The solution lies in finding an efficient way to translate computer screens to printed matter. It is hard to believe, but no such thing exists. Computer screens are still hostile to off-line printing. In other words: if a user copies information from the Internet to his word processor (or vice versa, for that matter) - he ends up with a fragmented, garbage-filled and non-aesthetic document.

Very few site developers try to do something about it - even fewer succeed.

C. Dynamic vs. Static Interactions

One of the biggest mistakes of content suppliers is that they do not provide a "static-dynamic interaction".

Internet-based content can now easily interact with other media (e.g., CD-ROMs) and with non-PC platforms (PDA's, mobile phones).

Examples abound:

A CD-ROM shopping catalogue interacts with a Web site to allow the user to order a product. The catalogue could also be updated through the site (as is the practice with CD-ROM encyclopedias). The advantages of the CD-ROM are clear: very fast access time (dozens of times faster than the access to a Web site using a dial up connection) and a data storage capacity hundreds of times bigger than the average Web page.

Another example:

A PDA plug-in disposable chip containing hundreds of advertisements or a "yellow pages". The consumer selects the ad or entry that she wants to see and connects to the Internet to view a relevant video. She could then also have an interactive chat (or a conference) with a salesperson, receive information about the company, about the ad, about the advertising agency which created the ad - and so on.

CD-ROM based encyclopedias (such as the Britannica, or the Encarta) already contain hyperlinks which carry the user to sites selected by an Editorial Board.


CD-ROMs are probably a doomed medium. Storage capacity continually increases exponentially and, within a year, desktops with 80 Gb hard disks will be a common sight. Moreover, the much heralded Network Computer - the stripped down version of the personal computer - will put at the disposal of the average user terabytes in storage capacity and the processing power of a supercomputer. What separates computer users from this utopia is the communication bandwidth. With the introduction of radio and satellite broadband services, DSL and ADSL, cable modems coupled with advanced compression standards - video (on demand), audio and data will be available speedily and plentifully.

The CD-ROM, on the other hand, is not mobile. It requires installation and the utilization of sophisticated hardware and software. This is no user friendly push technology. It is nerd-oriented. As a result, CD-ROMs are not an immediate medium. There is a long time lapse between the moment of purchase and the moment the user accesses the data. Compare this to a book or a magazine. Data in these oldest of media is instantly available to the user and they allow for easy and accurate "back" and "forward" functions.

Perhaps the biggest mistake of CD-ROM manufacturers has been their inability to offer an integrated hardware and software package. CD-ROMs are not compact. A Walkman is a compact hardware-cum-software package. It is easily transportable, it is thin, it contains numerous, user-friendly, sophisticated functions, it provides immediate access to data. So does the discman, or the MP3-man, or the new generation of e-books (e.g., E-Ink's). This cannot be said about the CD-ROM. By tying its future to the obsolete concept of stand-alone, expensive, inefficient and technologically unreliable personal computers - CD-ROMs have sentenced themselves to oblivion (with the possible exception of reference material).

D. Online Reference

A visit to the on-line Encyclopaedia Britannica demonstrates some of the tremendous, mind boggling possibilities of online reference - as well as some of the obstacles.

Each entry in this mammoth work of reference is hyperlinked to relevant Web sites. The sites are carefully screened. Links are available to data in various forms, including audio and video. Everything can be copied to the hard disk or to a R/W CD.

This is a new conception of a knowledge centre - not just a heap of material. The content is modular and continuously enriched. It can be linked to a voice Q&A centre. Queries by subscribers can be answered by e-mail, by fax, posted on the site, hard copies can be sent by post. This "Trivial Pursuit" or "homework" service could be very popular - there is considerable appetite for "Just in Time Information". The Library of Congress - together with a few other libraries - is in the process of making just such a service available to the public (CDRS - Collaborative Digital Reference Service).

E. Derivative Content

The Internet is an enormous reservoir of archives of freely accessible, or even public domain, information.

With a minimal investment, this information can be gathered into coherent, theme oriented, cheap compilations (on CD-ROMs, print, e-books or other media).

F. E-Publishing

The Internet is by far the world's largest publishing platform. It incorporates FAQs (Q&A's regarding almost every technical matter in the world), e-zines (electronic magazines), the electronic versions of print dailies and periodicals (in conjunction with on-line news and information services), reference material, e-books, monographs, articles, minutes of discussions ("threads"), conference proceedings, and much more besides.

The Internet represents major advantages to publishers. Consider the electronic version of a p-zine.

Publishing an e-zine promotes the sales of the printed edition, it helps sign on subscribers and it leads to the sale of advertising space. The electronic archive function (see next section) saves the need to file back issues, the physical space required to do so and the irritating search for data items.

The future trend is a combined subscription to both the electronic edition (mainly for the archival value and the ability to hyperlink to additional information) and to the print one (easier to browse the current issue). The Economist is already offering free access to its electronic archives as an inducement to its print subscribers.

The electronic daily presents other advantages:

It allows for immediate feedback and for flowing, almost real-time, communication between writers and readers. The electronic version, therefore, acquires a gyroscopic function: a navigation instrument, always indicating deviations from the "right" course. The content can be instantly updated and breaking news incorporated in older content.

Specialty hand held devices already allow for downloading and storage of vast quantities of data (up to 4000 print pages). The user gains access to libraries containing hundreds of texts, adapted to be downloaded, stored and read by the specific device. Again, a convergence of standards is to be expected in this field as well (the final contenders will probably be Adobe's PDF against Microsoft's MS-Reader).

Currently, e-books are dichotomously treated either as:

Continuation of print books (p-books) by other means, or as a whole new publishing universe.

Since p-books are a more convenient medium then e-books - they will prevail in any straightforward "medium replacement" or "medium displacement" battle.

In other words, if publishers will persist in the simple and straightforward conversion of p-books to e-books - then e-books are doomed. They are simply inferior and cannot offer the comfort, tactile delights, browseability and scanability of p-books.

But e-books - being digital - open up a vista of hitherto neglected possibilities. These will only be enhanced and enriched by the introduction of e-paper and e-ink. Among them:

Hyperlinks within the e-book and without it - to web content, reference works, etc.;

Embedded instant shopping and ordering links;

Divergent, user-interactive, decision driven plotlines;

Interaction with other e-books (using a wireless standard) - collaborative authoring or reading groups;

Interaction with other e-books - gaming and community activities;

Automatically or periodically updated content;


Database, Favourites, Annotations, and History Maintenance (archival records of reading habits, shopping habits, interaction with other readers, plot related decisions and much more);

Automatic and embedded audio conversion and translation capabilities;

Full wireless piconetworking and scatternetworking capabilities.

The technology is still not fully there. Wars rage in both the wireless and the e-book realms. Platforms compete. Standards clash. Gurus debate. But convergence is inevitable and with it the e-book of the future.

G. The Archive Function

The Internet is also the world's biggest cemetery: tens of thousands of deadbeat sites, still accessible - the "Ghost Sites" of this electronic frontier.

This, in a way, is collective memory. One of the Internet's main functions will be to preserve and transfer knowledge through time. It is called "memory" in biology - and "archive" in library science. The history of the Internet is being documented by search engines (Google) and specialized services (Alexa) alike.

3. The Internet as a Collective Nervous System

Drawing a comparison from the development of a human infant - the human race has just commenced to develop its neural system.

The Internet fulfils all the functions of the Nervous System in the body and is, both functionally and structurally, pretty similar. It is decentralized, redundant (each part can serve as functional backup in case of malfunction). It hosts information which is accessible through various paths, it contains a memory function, it is multimodal (multimedia - textual, visual, audio and animation).

I believe that the comparison is not superficial and that studying the functions of the brain (from infancy to adulthood) is likely to shed light on the future of the Net itself. The Net - exactly like the nervous system - provides pathways for the transport of goods and services - but also of memes and information, their processing, modeling, and integration.

A. The Collective Computer

Carrying the metaphor of "a collective brain" further, we would expect the processing of information to take place on the Internet, rather than inside the end-user's hardware (the same way that information is processed in the brain, not in the eyes). Desktops will receive results and communicate with the Net to receive additional clarifications and instructions and to convey information gathered from their environment (mostly, from the user).

Put differently:

In future, servers will contain not only information (as they do today) - but also software applications. The user of an application will not be forced to buy it. He will not be driven into hardware-related expenditures to accommodate the ever growing size of applications. He will not find himself wasting his scarce memory and computing resources on passive storage. Instead, he will use a browser to call a central computer. This computer will contain the needed software, broken to its elements (=applets, small applications). Anytime the user wishes to use one of the functions of the application, he will siphon it off the central computer. When finished - he will "return" it. Processing speeds and response times will be such that the user will not feel at all that he is not interacting with his own software (the question of ownership will be very blurred). This technology is available and it provoked a heated debated about the future shape of the computing industry as a whole (desktops - really power packs - or network computers, a little more than dumb terminals). Access to online applications are already offered to corporate users by ASPs (Application Service Providers).

In the last few years, scientists have harnessed the combined power of online PC's to perform astounding feats of distributed parallel processing. Millions of PCs connected to the net co-process signals from outer space, meteorological data, and solve complex equations. This is a prime example of a collective brain in action.

B. The Intranet - a Logical Extension of the Collective Computer

LANs (Local Area Networks) are no longer a rarity in corporate offices. WANs (wide Area Networks) are used to connect geographically dispersed organs of the same legal entity (branches of a bank, daughter companies of a conglomerate, a sales force). Many LANs and WANs are going wireless.

The wireless intranet/extranet and LANs are the wave of the future. They will gradually eliminate their fixed line counterparts. The Internet offers equal, platform-independent, location-independent and time of day - independent access to corporate memory and nervous system. Sophisticated firewall security applications protect the privacy and confidentiality of the intranet from all but the most determined and savvy crackers.

The Intranet is an inter-organizational communication network, constructed on the platform of the Internet and it, therefore, enjoys all its advantages. The extranet is open to clients and suppliers as well.

The company's server can be accessed by anyone authorized, from anywhere, at any time (with local - rather than international - communication costs). The user can leave messages (internal e-mail or v-mail), access information - proprietary or public - from it, and participate in "virtual teamwork" (see next chapter).

The development of measures to safeguard server routed inter-organizational communication (firewalls) is the solution to one of two obstacles to the institutionalization of Intranets. The second problem is the limited bandwidth which does not permit the efficient transfer of audio (not to mention video).

It is difficult to conduct video conferencing through the Internet. Even the voices of discussants who use internet phones (IP telephony) come out (though very slightly) distorted.

All this did not prevent 95% of the Fortune 1000 from installing intranet. 82% of the rest intend to install one by the end of this year. Medium to big size American firms have 50-100 intranet terminals per every internet one.

One of the greatest advantages of the intranet is the ability to transfer documents between the various parts of an organization. Consider Visa: it pushed 2 million documents per day internally in 1996.

An organization equipped with an intranet can (while protected by firewalls) give its clients or suppliers access to non-classified correspondence, or inventory systems. Many B2B exchanges and industry-specific purchasing management systems are based on extranets.

C. The Transport of Information - Mail and Chat

The Internet (its e-mail function) is eroding traditional mail. 90% of customers with on-line access use e-mail from time to time and 60% work with it regularly. More than 2 billion messages traverse the internet daily.

E-mail applications are available as freeware and are included in all browsers. Thus, the Internet has completely assimilated what used to be a separate service, to the extent that many people make the mistake of thinking that e-mail is a feature of the Internet.

The internet will do to phone calls what it has done to mail. Already there are applications (Intel's, Vocaltec's, Net2Phone) which enable the user to conduct a phone conversation through his computer. The voice quality has improved. The discussants can cut into each others words, argue and listen to tonal nuances. Today, the parties (two or more) engaging in the conversation must possess the same software and the same (computer) hardware. In the very near future, computer-to-regular phone applications will eliminate this requirement. And, again, simultaneous multi-modality: the user can talk over the phone, see his party, send e-mail, receive messages and transfer documents - without obstructing the flow of the conversation.

The cost of transferring voice will become so negligible that free voice traffic is conceivable in 3-5 years. Data traffic will overtake voice traffic by a wide margin.

The next phase will probably involve virtual reality. Each of the parties will be represented by an "avatar", a 3-D figurine generated by the application (or the user's likeness mapped and superimposed on the the avatar). These figurines will be multi-dimensional: they will possess their own communication patterns, special habits, history, preferences - in short: their own "personality".

Thus, they will be able to maintain an "identity" and a consistent pattern of communication which they will develop over time.

Such a figure could host a site, accept, welcome and guide visitors, all the time bearing their preferences in its electronic "mind". It could narrate the news, like the digital anchor "Ananova" does. Visiting sites in the future is bound to be a much more pleasant affair.

D. The Transport of Value - E-cash

In 1996, four corporate giants (Visa, MasterCard, Netscape and Microsoft) agreed on a standard for effecting secure payments through the Internet: SET. Internet commerce is supposed to mushroom to $25 billion by 2003. Site owners will be able to collect rent from passing visitors - or fees for services provided within the site. Amazon instituted an honour system to collect donations from visitors. PayPal provides millions of users with cash substitutes. Gradually, the Internet will compete with central banks and banking systems in money creation and transfer.

E. The Transport of Interactions - The Virtual Organization

The Internet allows for simultaneous communication and the efficient transfer of multimedia (video included) files between an unlimited number of users. This opens up a vista of mind boggling opportunities which are the real core of the Internet revolution: the virtual collaborative ("Follow the Sun") modes.


A group of musicians is able to compose music or play it - while spatially and temporally separated;

Advertising agencies are able to co-produce ad campaigns in a real time interaction;

Cinema and TV films are produced from disparate geographical spots through the teamwork of people who never meet, except through the Net.

These examples illustrate the concept of the "virtual community". Space and time will no longer hinder team collaboration, be it scientific, artistic, cultural, or an ad hoc arrangement for the provision of a service (a virtual law firm, or accounting office, or a virtual consultancy network). The intranet can also be thought of as a "virtual organization", or a "virtual business".

The virtual mall and the virtual catalogue are prime examples of spatial and temporal liberation.

In 1998, there were well over 300 active virtual malls on the Internet. In 2000, they were frequented by 46 million shoppers, who shopped in them for goods and services.

The virtual mall is an Internet "space" (pages) wherein "shops" are located. These shops offer their wares using visual, audio and textual means. The visitor passes through a virtual "gate" or storefront and examines the merchandise on offer, until he reaches a buying decision. Then he engages in a feedback process: he pays (with a credit card), buys the product, and waits for it to arrive by mail (or downloads it).

The manufacturers of digital products (intellectual property such as e-books or software) have begun selling their merchandise on-line, as file downloads. Yet, slow communications speeds, competing file formats and reader standards, and limited bandwidth - constrain the growth potential of this mode of sale. Once resolved - intellectual property will be sold directly from the Net, on-line. Until such time, the mediation of the Post Office is still required. As long as this is the state of the art, the virtual mall is nothing but a glorified computerized mail catalogue or Buying Channel, the only difference being the exceptionally varied inventory.

Websites which started as "specialty stores" are fast transforming themselves into multi-purpose virtual malls., for instance, has bought into a virtual pharmacy and into other virtual businesses. It is now selling music, video, electronics and many other products. It started as a bookstore.

This contrasts with a much more creative idea: the virtual catalogue. It is a form of narrowcasting (as opposed to broadcasting): a surgically accurate targeting of potential consumer audiences. Each group of profiled consumers (no matter how small) is fitted with their own - digitally generated - catalogue. This is updated daily: the variety of wares on offer (adjusted to reflect inventory levels, consumer preferences, and goods in transit) - and prices (sales, discounts, package deals) change in real time. Amazon has incorporated many of these features on its web site. The user enters its web site and there delineates his consumption profile and his preferences. A customized catalogue is immediately generated for him including specific recommendations. The history of his purchases, preferences and responses to feedback questionnaires is accumulated in a database. This intellectual property may well be Amazon's main asset.

There is no technological obstacles to implementing this vision today - only administrative and legal (patent) ones. Big brick and mortar retail stores are not up to processing the flood of data expected to result. They also remain highly sceptical regarding the feasibility of the new medium. And privacy issues prevent data mining or the effective collection and usage of personal data (remember the case of Amazon's "Readers' Circles").

The virtual catalogue is a private case of a new internet off-shoot: the "smart (shopping) agents". These are AI applications with "long memories".

They draw detailed profiles of consumers and users and then suggest purchases and refer to the appropriate sites, catalogues, or virtual malls.

They also provide price comparisons and the new generation cannot be blocked or fooled by using differing product categories.

In the future, these agents will cover also brick and mortar retail chains and, in conjunction with wireless, location-specific services, issue a map of the branch or store closest to an address specified by the user (the default being his residence), or yielded by his GPS enabled wireless mobile or PDA. This technology can be seen in action in a few music sites on the web and is likely to be dominant with wireless internet appliances. The owner of an internet enabled (third generation) mobile phone is likely to be the target of geographically-specific marketing campaigns, ads and special offers pertaining to his current location (as reported by his GPS - satellite Geographic Positioning System).

F. The Transport of Information - Internet News

Internet news are advantaged. They are frequently and dynamically updated (unlike static print news) and are always accessible (similar to print news), immediate and fresh.

The future will witness a form of interactive news. A special "corner" in the news Web site will accommodate "breaking news" posted by members of the the public (or corporate press releases). This will provide readers with a glimpse into the making of the news, the raw material news are made of. The same technology will be applied to interactive TVs. Content will be downloaded from the internet and displayed as an overlay on the TV screen or in a box in it. The contents downloaded will be directly connected to the TV programming. Thus, the biography and track record of a football player will be displayed during a football match and the history of a country when it gets news coverage.

4. Terra Internetica - Internet, an Unknown Continent

Laymen and experts alike talk about "sites" and "advertising space". Yet, the Internet was never compared to a new continent whose surface is infinite.

The Internet has its own real estate developers and construction companies. The real life equivalents derive their profits from the scarcity of the resource that they exploit - the Internet counterparts derive their profits from the tenants (content producers and distributors, e-tailers, and others).

Entrepreneurs bought "Internet Space" (pages, domain names, portals) and leveraged their acquisition commercially by:

Renting space out;

Constructing infrastructure on their property and selling it;

Providing an intelligent gateway, entry point (portal) to the rest of the internet;

Selling advertising space which subsidizes the tenants (Yahoo!-Geocities, Tripod and others);

Cybersquatting (purchasing specific domain names identical to brand names in the "real" world) and then selling the domain name to an interested party.

Internet Space can be easily purchased or created. The investment is low and getting lower with the introduction of competition in the field of domain registration services and the increase in the number of top domains.

Then, infrastructure can be erected - for a shopping mall, for free home pages, for a portal, or for another purpose. It is precisely this infrastructure that the developer can later sell, lease, franchise, or rent out.

But this real estate bubble was the culmination of a long and tortuous process.

At the beginning, only members of the fringes and the avant-garde (inventors, risk assuming entrepreneurs, gamblers) invest in a new invention. No one knows to say what are the optimal uses of the invention (in other words, what is its future). Many - mostly members of the scientific and business elites - argue that there is no real need for the invention and that it substitutes a new and untried way for old and tried modes of doing the same things (so why assume the risk of investing in the unknown and the untried?).

Moreover, these criticisms are usually well-founded.

To start with, there is, indeed, no need for the new medium. A new medium invents itself - and the need for it. It also generates its own market to satisfy this newly found need.

Two prime examples of this self-recursive process are the personal computer and the compact disc.

When the PC was invented, its uses were completely unclear. Its performance was lacking, its abilities limited, it was unbearably user unfriendly. It suffered from faulty design, was absent any user comfort and ease of use and required considerable professional knowledge to operate. The worst part was that this knowledge was exclusive to the new invention (not portable). It reduced labour mobility and limited one's professional horizons. There were many gripes among workers assigned to tame the new beast. Managers regarded it at best as a nuisance.

The PC was thought of, at the beginning, as a sophisticated gaming machine, an electronic baby-sitter. It included a keyboard, so it was thought of in terms of a glorified typewriter or spreadsheet. It was used mainly as a word processor (and the outlay justified solely on these grounds). The spreadsheet was the first real PC application and it demonstrated the advantages inherent to this new machine (mainly flexibility and speed). Still, it was more of the same. A speedier sliding ruler. After all, said the unconvinced, what was the difference between this and a hand held calculator (some of them already had computing, memory and programming features)?

The PC was recognized as a medium only 30 years after it was invented with the introduction of multimedia software. All this time, the computer continued to spin off markets and secondary markets, needs and professional specialties. The talk as always was centred on how to improve on existing markets and solutions.

The Internet is the computer's first important application. Hitherto the computer was only quantitatively different to other computing or gaming devices. Multimedia and the Internet have made it qualitatively superior, sui generis, unique.

Part of the problem was that the Internet was invented, is maintained and is operated by computer professionals. For decades these people have been conditioned to think in Olympic terms: faster, stronger, higher - not in terms of the new, the unprecedented, or the non-existent. Engineers are trained to improve - seldom to invent. With few exceptions, its creators stumbled across the Internet - it invented itself despite them.

Computer professionals (hardware and software experts alike) - are linear thinkers. The Internet is non linear and modular.

It is still the age of hackers. There is still a lot to be done in improving technological prowess and powers. But their control of the contents is waning and they are being gradually replaced by communicators, creative people, advertising executives, psychologists, venture capitalists, and the totally unpredictable masses who flock to flaunt their home pages and graphomania.

These all are attuned to the user, his mental needs and his information and entertainment preferences.

The compact disc is a different tale. It was intentionally invented to improve upon an existing technology (basically, Edison's Gramophone). Market-wise, this was a major gamble. The improvement was, at first, debatable (many said that the sound quality of the first generation of compact discs was inferior to that of its contemporaneous record players). Consumers had to be convinced to change both software and hardware and to dish out thousands of dollars just to listen to what the manufacturers claimed was more a authentically reproduced sound. A better argument was the longer life of the software (though when contrasted with the limited life expectancy of the consumer, some of the first sales pitches sounded absolutely morbid).

The computer suffered from unclear positioning. The compact disc was very clear as to its main functions - but had a rough time convincing the consumers that it was needed.

Every medium is first controlled by the technical people. Gutenberg was a printer - not a publisher. Yet, he is the world's most famous publisher. The technical cadre is joined by dubious or small-scale entrepreneurs and, together, they establish ventures with no clear vision, market-oriented thinking, or orderly plan of action. The legislator is also dumbfounded and does not grasp what is happening - thus, there is no legislation to regulate the use of the medium. Witness the initial confusion concerning copyrighted vs. licenced software, e-books, and the copyrights of ROM embedded software. Abuse or under-utilization of resources grow. The sale of radio frequencies to the first cellular phone operators in the West - a situation which repeats itself in Eastern and Central Europe nowadays - is an example.

But then more complex transactions - exactly as in real estate in "real life" - begin to emerge. The Internet is likely to converge with "real life". It is likely to be dominated by brick and mortar entities which are likely to import their business methods and management. As its eccentric past (the boom and the dot.bomb bust) recedes - a sustainable and profitable future awaits it.

New Book


A battle ensues after 88 decides who to cure with the Yerba Leaf.

New Books

Sunday, August 22, 2010

James Cameron`s Avatar Direhorse Review

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Templar Knight

Templar Knight Review

Templar Knight Feature

  • Hand painted.
  • Highly detailed.
  • Historically accurate.
  • Approx 3.5"

Templar Knight Overview

The Papo toy line features beatifully crafted figurines of knights, pirates, castles and enchanted creatures. Papo toys come in a wide variety of colors, all hand painted and bursting with imagination. With Papo Knights toys, a world of medieval castles, brave knights, and fierce dragons comes to life. With Papo toys, your children will enjoy hours of imaginative play in wondrous worlds of conquest and battle, chivalry and horse play. Papo toys encourage your kids to use their imagination to create their own magical kingdom.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 22, 2010 01:50:38

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Katara - The Last Airbender Happy Meal Toy #2 Review

This is number 2 in the set and its the first movie figure of katara

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Bakugan Toys Mini Guide

Bakugan seem to have been all the rage over the last few years. We can thank the anime series of the same name that blasted onto our TV screens in 2007 for that. This cartoon follows a group of children called the battle brawlers, who control the Bakugan creatures through various battles. The toy range centres around Bakugan balls that represent the creatures from the show. These balls form part of a game along with various cards. Some of the cards are metallic and when the balls land on them their magnetic innards make them spring open to reveal the hidden creature. When two Bakugans pop open on the same card a battle is deemed to have taken place. The winner is determined by the scores each player accumulates via the points attached to both the creature and card.

As well as a huge range of Bakugan creatures to choose from, the Bakugan range includes mats to play on, launchers to roll the balls with, video games to interact with as well as racks, tins and cases to store the toys in. If you are trying to buy a toy for a child new to Bakugan, you should concentrate on getting a selection of the balls and accompanying cards so they can learn how to play the game. Random Bakugan are allocated to the more economically priced packs called Booster, Starter and Battle, containing one, three and six balls respectively. If you child knows the name of a group of specific creatures that they want you can also buy these individually but they will probably cost you a bit more money. Children seem to have favourites based on one of the many colours, designs and names available.

Once they have a collection of Bakugan toys to play with, they will need to master the skill and strategy of the game. Strategy comes in the form of how the cards are laid out for game play and skill is determined by how well they roll the balls to their desired targets. Many children, however, enjoy Bakugan without ever playing the game. They marvel at the auto transforming ability of these balls to suddenly become mini action figures. They can close them up and watch them pop open incessantly for hours. They can also enjoy some mini battles by play acting with a group of these toys. For an extra bit of fun, buy them one of the super sized Deka balls. These are no longer pocket sized options as they are 10cm tall once popped open, but are quite rare and so very popular amongst Bakugan crazed fans.

New Book New Books

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Avatar✿L et♬G o [happy belated bday,Michi♥]

*EDIT: ahem, okay I'm gonna send teh great Leonopteryx after atleast 2 people... DON'T LOW RATE WITHOUT GIVING ME A REASON GAWDDAMN IT ಥ_ಥ And don't run away after it like a friggen coward ¬¬ *end of edit* HD = ♥ *Ich weiss, ich bin spät dran,aber es gefällt dir doch trotzdem...hoffentlich XD* lol mein Deutsch is iwie am arsch x3 Weeeee 2 vidders in such a short time period 8D I think I'm siiiiiick |D JK JK xD Did I lose any subbers through my wmm vid? If I did...SCREW YEW Dx meh,no harm done :3 Daaaamn I absolutely [?] LUFF this vid!!!! and can we say "first Avatar AMV"? Yes we can! (why does this sentence reminds me of Obama everytime I hear it?? XD) ahh...let go...such an overused song...let's overuse it MOAR 8D BTW is it just me, or am I really the first editor, using this song for an Avatar vid??? Whut Oo go figure. I checked, but only found the anime avatar, not teh James Cameron one. A nywa y...hope ya likie^^ and don't give it a thumb down, just because you dun like Avatar, you think it's too short or whateverrr. I WILL SEND THE LEONOPTERYX AFTER YOU!!! D: ++Info thaaang++ Song~ Let go by Frou Frou Movie~ duh *pionts at title* Program~ Sony Vegas Pro 8 (I not haz Pro 9, betches) Editing time~ 3 days + 2 hours rendering uploading time~ 20 minutes that's what YouTube said haha Category~ beauty or whatever fits ^^

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AVATAR I-TAGS : THE KING LEONOPTERYX !! AT 1:31 + photos review with Jake Avatar

Let's look & let's dream :-) ------- Regardons et rêvons :-)

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

avatar Leonopteryx(last shadow) figure review

review of the great shadow

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Secret Life of the American Teenager

Numerous televised serials look at the personal life of the American teenager and the disputes in that. Teens have constantly been considered as being on a different level from elders. They are of an age when they feel that they not belong to either the children or adults group, and often seemed to have rules of their own. Brenda Hampton's 'Secret Life of the American Teenager', became a monumental hit after running the first episode. Does real life copy art or vice versa is a question indeed. Amy Jurgens, one of the lead characters, is a pregnant young teenager attempting to manage with the modifications in her own physical structure. It also looks at how Amy figures the problems in having a child and relations in her life, while many other characters too fight with conflicting kinships.

The show 'Secret Life of the American Teenager', obtained lots of criticism, but was a massive hit with evaluations sky soaring higher than those of 'Gossip Girl'. A huge audience now follows 'Secret Life of the American-Teenager', becoming one of America's favourite Television shows. The show also won several awards such as the Teen Choice Award. Following a similar idea to Juno, which broke down all records and received admiration from younsters and families all over, this series has obtained some great critiques.

Season 1 looks at the American teenager, Amy's relationship with Ricky Underwood at a band encampment. It goes on to look at how her teenage pregnancy complicates matters and shakes up her parents' already shaky wedlock. In Season 2, Amy's younger sister becomes closer to her, as she suffers to come to terms with all the disputes in her life, in the individuals around her and her relationships as well.

'Secret Life of the American Teenager', developed by Brenda Hampton, was first pitched to Fox network, but was not approved by the network. Brenda, the creator of '7th Heaven', one of the longest playing serials, remained in composing and submitting her scripts to other network channels when she did not receive a good response. Being a debatable matter, that of teenage pregnancy in America, it was not received well by network heads. The situation comedy also analyzes the several facets of teenage pregnancy and the complications that it can cause in the life of an American teenager. The 'Secret Life of the American Teenager ', gives a clear idea of the easier side, as well as the more difficult facets of the issue of teenage pregnancy.

New Book

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Collecting Action Figures - What's Behind This Modern Day Craze

Remember when you were a kid and your mom, dad, uncle, aunt or grandparent would take you to the toy store or some other leading big-box department store. As you rush towards the action figure aisle, your heart speeding in fervour as you make your means to this supernatural toy of imaginativeness.

Now a lot of men still might purchase an action figure or two sporadically. Action figures today have become so detailed, so artistic and so coveted. These so-called "toys" remind us of our freewheeling youth. I personally have purchased around 16 action figures in the past year.

Athlete Action Figures

What I'm really into, just like so many other grown men, are action figures associated to professional athletes. The detail in some of these pieces of new art are spectacular. They have a team jersey down to every tone of color. Currently manufacturers of action figures actually make licencing arrangements with companies who sponsor a specific athlete and professional sports teams. These are reflected in some action figures as well. I am a massive professional ice hockey fan, and really am a great fan of Alexander Ovechkin. Ovechkin has an endorsement deal with CCM, wearing a CCM helmet, gloves, hockey pants and skates. The Ovechkin doll that I have has all the logos in place just like the real Alexander Ovechkin when he takes the ice in the Verizon Center.

Sci-Fi Action Figures

With the revitalization of sci-fi films and television, sci-fi action figures have also been best-selling. This movement started out with the successful Star Wars franchise films. These love affairs with the figures were rekindled when the original trilogy and the new prequel trilogy were released about a decade ago.

Original action figures were produced in celebration of these films. However this time the dolls were made with such detail and preciseness, it made accumulating these figures by grownups much more acceptable than in the past. The original marketplace for these toys were youngsters, nonetheless this higher level of detail can only be prized by the eye of an adult. This tendency retains today with other sci-fi characters of today's pop culture.

Todd McFarlane Toys

Comic book creator Todd McFarlane has created a toy company that was really at the forefront of this new breed of action figure explosion. Being an artist of sci-fi and comic books he understood the detail that can be crammed into these action figures.

Collecting Action Figures

When garnering action figures, you should collect as if they are fine pieces of art. You must not collect for investing purposes instead for the admiration of these works of art. If you like what you see then buy it. Even if it does not go up in value you can still delight in the aesthetics of your action figure. If you ever desired to collect as an investing opportunity then there are a few things you should know.

When a new film or television series is premiered, especially if it is a sci-fi base project, then chances are action figures will be manufactured in alignment with the premiere of these motion pictures or television series. If this is the case, eBay has hundreds of vendors who deal these investment objects before the film or series premieres. Normally the price for these items will be modest and are fitting for purchase.

After the sci-fi movie or series is premiered, usually the cost of these action figures will rise. Especially if the film becomes an unanticipated commercial success. This is great because once the motion picture is popular there will be more need for their affiliated action figures however supply will already have been dried up. This is where, you as a collector or investor can turn a profit big time. Merely trade your action figure back on eBay. It's that easy. I've been doing it for quite a while, with what I regard pieces of artistic creation that I no longer love or treasure any longer.

Wishing you the very best in your action figure investment opportunities and this incomparable form of art collecting.

New Book

That New Toy Smell Episode 19 featuring Zen the Intergalactic Ninja part 1 of 4

Pixel Dan and DiRT are your hosts on this week's episode of That New Toy Smell! The guys talk NECA, answer some questions in the Fan Corner, and feature a video review of Zen the Intergalactic Ninja toys by Devall! This is part 1 of 4, so don't miss the rest! See the full episode at

New Book

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mattell Avatar Thanator Creature Figure Review

Note: I apologize for the crackly-sounding feedback in the middle of the video. I think I was talking too directly into my mic :P New figure, new review! Mattell 2009 Avatar Thanator Creature figure review =) I switched up my review style a little for this video and didn't add music. This is just an experiment! Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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Collect Action Figures For Fun Or Profit

Action figures keep alive the spirit of your favorite characters, whether from a comic book, movie or television show. They often depict some of those characters' most memorable moments or capture your heroes in life-like action doing what they do best. Perhaps you are thinking of starting a collection or you wish to add to your current collection. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Types of Figures

Many collectors focus on one particular character or theme. They focus on a certain movie or comic story. Some have a favorite musician and collect only figures of that particular music legend. If you only collect for fun, then having a few figures will work just fine. But if you plan on collecting for profits, you might consider expanding your collection a bit. For instance, instead of having only Star Wars action figures, consider adding other SCI-FI figures and memorabilia. Look for figures and other products from SCI-FI movies or popular TV shows such as Star Trek. Transformers toys, Avatar movie toys, etc. can all fit in this category.

Sports legends memorabilia is another popular collectible category. If collecting for profits, consider expanding your collection to multiple sports such as NFL, NBA, UFC, MLB, NASCAR, etc. There are hundreds of sports action figures depicting your favorite heroes of the game!

If you're into comics, you'll find numerous figures for DC Universe, Marvel Legends and others. Add action figures to your comic book collection to bring your collection to life and increase the value tremendously. Other collectible figures include Harry Potter memorabilia, dragons, spawns, Halo video game figures, Alien Force and Ben 10 (Ben Ten) figures. These are popular with kids, and you'll find many collectibles for the younger generation to help your child learn to love this hobby.

Buy Only Quality Memorabilia

Action figures for your collection should be of high quality. These might cost extra, but the long-term value will be much greater. Whether you plan to sell or trade your items in the near future, or want to leave your entire collection to your children some day, having high quality collectibles will be well worth the added expense. One company that produces good quality action figures is McFarlane. McFarlane Figures is a subsidiary of Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc., which was founded by Todd McFarlane in 1994. The company manufactures highly detailed models of movie and comic characters, musicians, sports figures and video game characters.

A Variety of Products Online

If you're seeking rare action figures or want to ensure better quality at a fair price, shop online for your collectibles. These are available through a number of reputable sites, and shopping online is more convenient than visiting various collectible stores. You can use keywords or key phrases in the search engines to narrow your search to the specific figures or theme you desire. Buying action figures online is a great way to purchase large quantities at once and find great gifts for a loved one that collects figures.

Use these tips to expand your favorite hobby and find unique action figures that will last for generations!

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sean fike dancing 0001

sean fike doing flips, the thriller, and being a gangsta. GO SEE AVATAR

New Books

Marvel Minimate Motion Comic - Ed Johnson Presents: MW Vol. 1 Episode 14A

MARVELOUS WORLD VOL. 1 EPISODE 14A "Focused" Cyclops, Storm & Thunderbird go head 2 head with Doc Ock & the Absorbing Man. (Starring Marvel Minimates)

New Book New Books

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Toying With God by Nikki Bado-Fralick and Rebecca Sachs Norris

Toying With God
The World Of Religious Games And Dolls
By Nikki Bado-Fralick And Rebecca Sachs Norris
Baylor University Press. 232p $24.95

Catholic Jeopardy! or another round of Lenten bingo anyone? Or perhaps Divinity, the only game with the imprimatur of the Church, would be a nice change? Inspired by their collections of Jesus dolls, Bible Character cards, board games and rolls of Testamint (sic) candy, the authors of Toying With God examine the history, challenges, and implications of their use in religious formation today.

In the ancient worlds of Egypt, Greece and Rome religious and public life did not belong to separate spheres; the idea of separating church or temple and the city-state was not part of daily life. Games and dolls were often entombed with their owners as proof of their faithfulness or for enjoyment in the afterlife. Buying and selling, learning a faith, and fulfilling religious obligations were not at odds with religions that valued wealth and position in society. As time passed, the growing acceptance of Christianity and its eventual journey to America by way of Puritans, and other religious people seeking freedom, guaranteed a different outcome.

By the 1800's religious games were being produced and sold in America as they continue to be today. What has changed is the understanding of religious speech and practice in the public domain. In a country where church and state matters are divided in a legal as well as a social sense, a deep unease accompanies the marketing and profit making involved in the manufacture and purchase of religious toys. Perhaps the most important contradiction the Bado-Fralick and Norris highlight is the Christian ideal of poverty and simplicity, including Catholicism's preferential option for the poor, in a nation that includes bingo nights, Christian theme parks and mega-churches. Both the theme parks and the auditorium sized churches must bring in money to exist. Good business practices and good faith formation become intertwined as a matter of necessity.

American society's desire for fun is not ignored either. As the definition of childhood changed over time so too did the theories surrounding education of children in general. Learning is increasingly expected to be entertaining, if only to compete with texting, computers and iPods. Catechists and all religious educators have found creative ways to engage the young in internalizing their faith. Games, action figures from the Bible, and telling stories using a felt board with figures, are utilized. Vacation Bible School is an entirely prepackaged item with a new theme each summer. Church mail now regularly consists of catalogs full of toys and worship aids.

The Christian community is not alone. All major religions are experiencing the same challenges as their faith is commercialized. Toying With God does not leave out Kosherland games, Fulla dolls (the Muslim answer to Barbie), or plush Buddhas from the discussion. It is an ecumenical encounter with the fact that playthings have become central to the passing on of faith.

As the authors point out, religious toys have many layers of meaning. They can be a wonderful way for parents and children to share the Gospel message but they also have limitations. Some action figures are just as violent as any Saturday morning cartoon. Bado-Fralick and Norris note that "the power of play moves through the world just as the sacred does, appearing at one moment and gone the next". Their enthusiasm for their collections as well as their research, will help us use creativity and play to the glory of God.

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Avatar toruk in Spore!!!

yeah, this is my new creature, i saw Avatar, an the toruk is cool! // si, esta es mi nueva criatura, vi Avatar, y el toruk mola!! thanks for 2000 views!!!!! // gracias por 2000 visitas!!!!!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Christmas Gift Ideas for Newly-Wedded Couples

As the Christmas season approaches, exciting gifts come across our mind to remind us that people we love deserve a special present. However, if Christmas gifts coincide with an event such as the wedding of your best friends, finding the right present for your preferred Newly-Wedded Couple is an exciting activity.

Newly Weds often dream of wealth building as they begin a life together so thinking of engraved gifts that motivate such dreams are just one of the many options you have for a Christmas gift. In fact, some wedding gifts and marriage symbols are closely related to wealth and abundance.

Engraved gifts are among the most appreciated weeding presents and they make great Christmas gifts as well. You can find them in a large variety of sizes, shapes, and styles, including personal items such as jewelry boxes, but also money clips, key chains, and much more. Specific symbols can be ordered in most cases, including wealth-building symbols such as chests, pyramids, etc.

At first glance, GI Joe Action Figures could seem a gift related to the groom, but these action figures have a background in history and collectible rewards. A newly wedded couple can feel identified with GI Joe in such ways since the figures represent heroes or heroic actions. Wealth building is a sort of heroic battle that both groom and bride are just about to take

As collectible items, you will find a number of three-action packs with a variety of characters, as well as traditional heroes, vehicles, Cobra troopers, commando series, just to name a few. Whether you chose an action figure or engraved gifts, take in mind your friends preferences and not your personal taste.

People often go with the idea of getting the present that they would like to receive, instead of considering the newly weds preferences. However, focusing your mind on wealth building, instead of any other specific theme, your chances of choosing the right present will multiply considerably.

Remember that these presents are not limited to symbolic items that you can purchase. If you are wondering about a great Christmas gift, what better that giving away an audio-program that teaches your friends how to build their new wealth as a married couple. These programs are also available in different formats including video, CDrom, DVD, and even printed formats for your convenience, matching the newly wedded couple needs.

Depending on how close your relation is with the couple, you can subtle inquire more about their expectations after marry. They are meant to be an average couple, or they are going to be true partners in love, finances and household matters. If you see they want to progress in life going hand in hand, go for a wealth building-related Christmas gift.

Otherwise, you can always try GI Joe Action Figures just as an original present if they have no idea of the motivation that such characters provide or go for traditional engraved gifts that almost never fail.

New Book New Books

Thursday, August 12, 2010

James Cameron's AVATAR action figures "Pandora Creatur

These are all the usabl guns in the whole game. My favurite is either the Assalt Rifle or the Flamethrower, although it isn't the most powerful.

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A First Look Into VH1's New Reality Series 'Basketball Wives'

All I can say is WOW...I just previewed the first episode of Basketball Wives, the new reality series on VH1 executive produced by Shaunie O'Neal (former wife of NBA star, Shaquille O'Neal) and all I can say is "WOW". Now I will admit that my guilty pleasure is the Housewives series on Bravo; I watch them all Orange County, New York, New Jersey,'s freaking entertaining and downright hilarious. So I have come into watching Basketball Wives with a preconceived notion on what to expect...and it was all that I thought it was going to be and much more. As I watched it I had to take some notes so can I can remember all of the foolishness that I endured for 20+ minutes. I want to introduce you to all of the players, I think that is the best way to get you prepared for the premiere Sunday, April 11 at 10:00 ET/PT.

Let's start with Shaunie "Momma" O'Neal. As we all know Shaunie was married to Shaq, their on-again off-again married was marred by rumors and incidents of infidelity. Shaunie says that her goal with the series is to shed light onto the complex lives of the women who stand beside larger-than-life professional athletes and show the world that it's not all glitz and glamour as it may seem. Let's just be real here for a minute, I don't know about you but the only people who seem to think that the relationships with these professional athletes is all glitz and glamour is the women who get into these relationships. Trust me, Biggie taught us years ago that 'more money, more problems'. Shaunie comes across as Queen Bee sitting on her throne as these women flock to her for advice on their basketball playing husbands, baby-daddies, ex-fiancés, fiancés, whatever they call them. She is definitely the momma-figure in these episodes, and believes that they all should stick together because this is an important and hectic sorority that they all are a part of. Well...I don't know about that but the only thing that makes them different from all of the millions of other married women around the world is the professional that these men have, which I am inclined to believe brainwashes these women to believe that their lives and families can rival that of Kings and Queens of countries near and far.

Then there's Royce. She is the mother of Orlando Magic's Dwight Howard's daughter, which you will never hear that mentioned on the show since Howard has gotten a court injunction that prohibits her from the mentioning his name. Coming into this Royce has so many strikes against her. The other women believe that she is the quintessential stereotypical groupie, and I agree with them. Royce is a dancer (and I use that term loosely, because being from the home of the famous Magic City I call it something else...if you know what I mean) who danced for both the Magic and the Heat and started her own Burlesque Dance Company called Fantashique which travels all over Florida. I haven't really made up my mind about Royce because one minute she's showing her ass and dropping it like it's hot at a pool party hosted by Terrell Owens, or on a stripper pole at a Miami nightclub, and the next she's crying talking about she wants to go home because nobody likes her. To be a 29-year-old mother this lil' girl has got some serious growing up to do. And what I believe amazes me so much is that she doesn't understand why the other women don't like her, or that many others label her as a 'Gold Digger'. C'mon Son! At the end of the first episode the wives ambushed Royce for raunchy dancing at the party and informed her that her behavior is a reflection of all of them not just her.

Now on to Jennifer, the wife of basketball player, Eric Williams. Now this one I like, even though her marriage is falling apart at every corner she seems to be the most down to earth, the one whose head isn't stuck so far in the clouds. Jennifer is not just sitting at home watching soaps and eating bon-bons, she's a high-end real estate agent and the owner of an upscale women's fitness center, Flirty Girl Fitness. Now the relationship with Jennifer and her husband Eric is a bit, how should I say, dysfunctional. Jennifer doesn't not call Eric her husband out in public and he has the 'rule' that when he's on the road, he's gone on the road, but when he's home, he's home with her. Now I simply have to shake my head at that, because all it does is show me that here's a successful woman who's traded in her self-respect for a lifetime supply of Gucci and Jimmy Choos. As the series progresses we get to learn more about Jennifer and Eric and what they are going to do about this dysfunction that they are living in.

Suzie Ketcham is the former wife of basketball player Michael Olowokondi, who is a bonafied party-girl and social butterfly. Suzie is on the VIP list of every club, has invites to the hottest parties, and knows all of the hottest celebrities and athletes. Suzie met Michael while attending college and by her senior year was pregnant with the couple first child. Suzie reminds me of Shaunie, she's diluted in her believe that being a players' wife or ex-wife isn't a lifestyle it's a career that you get on the job training for and you are an employee for life with all of the perks and benefits. Suzie and Michael have two children together and were together for 10 years before splitting up. Suzie coins herself as knowing all of the ends and outs of the 'game' and is always more than willing to give her opinion even if no one asked for it.

Then there's Puerto Rican beauty Evelyn, who's from the Bronx, and is the former fiancé of Antoine Walker. Evelyn and Antoine were together for a little over 10 years before she says she got fed-up with all of the lying and cheating; well that's at least her said of the story. I just can't believe that this woman let her relationship with this man go on for 10+ years and no 'real' commitment. Wake-up... the engagement was just the holding pattern that worked for 10 years so you could be engaged and he could continue living the superstar lifestyle he was leading. Evelyn is living in Miami starting over and constantly crying about how she's struggling because there's no more shopping or excessive spending...PLEASE Give Me a Break! Evelyn has milked the lifestyle for all that it has to give and is now on to the next one.

Finally there's Gloria, who is the only who feels she's got her stuff together. Gloria is engaged to Matt Barnes, who she met at the age of 12. After years apart Gloria and Matt reconnected when Matt was playing ball near her hometown of Oakland. The couple has twin 16-month-old boys, and at the age of 24 Gloria is trying to focus on her own business and charities outside of basketball, but the only charity that she is involved in Matt Barnes' charity. Now the drama with Gloria is that the other women are constantly telling her that this not how it's going to be forever, he [Matt] will cheat on you, there will be groupies, but there's an awkward relationship is with Shaunie, because it is rumored that Gloria's sister is sleeping with Shaq. WOW! For what I saw in the first episode, Gloria doesn't even care what the others think, she believes in her fairytale life and will put money on it that Matt is not like the others.

Well like I said I knew what I was getting into before I watched the show, but I was hoping to see at least one couple who was centered down to earth and showing the support of what a real family unit was. In the first episode don't expect the drama, or the hair pulling, or the club fights, all of these antics will be coming up in future episodes. All in all it's your typical reality show full of bling, champagne, mansions, cars, clothes and of course the men. After the first episode let me know what you think, and each week look for a new posting on the latest episode of Basketball Wives. Until next time...

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Avatar I-Tag Demo

Avatar I-Tag Demo showing info regarding Hallelujah Mountains (floating mountains you see in the trailer)

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James Cameron's AVATAR toy haul

My first toy haul video on some Avatar stuff I picked up. I'll be reviewing all of them in the coming week.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Avatar Creatures-The Great Leonopteryx

transangelo1's webcam video February 28, 2010, 03:22 PM

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We give you the first of many Avatar action figure reviews to come. James and FOX own all rights and special thanks to IN A NUTSHELL REVIEW: Mattel has given a great surprise with lots of detail and weapons. Verdict: 3 1/2 out of 4.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

TNTS Review: Movie Masters AVATAR Figures

Devall is back, and this time he takes a look 2 figures from the Movie Masters AVATAR line based on the upcoming film!

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Stikfa Comics - Ed Johnson Presents: BRUJERIA "If All Else Fails..."

Parapsycologist Dr. Javier Calderon and his staff are in the catacombs of an abandoned NY subway - desparately trying to stop a demon from killing them in this first look at "Brujeria: If All Else Fails..." GET THE COMIC! -

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tetrapteron12-1 of Avatar : Flight & Gliding in the wind

Tetrapteron is a flight creature appearing in Avatar which have two pairs of wings, twin tail, Large beak and gullet with glassy teeth. Thiscreature which James Cameron created has a suitable design for flight. Hind legs work well as inverted V-shaped V-tail. Please look next site for more details.

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Avatar ( PC ) Na'vi Walkthrough part 28 - Ta'antasi [ ( EndGame ) + 720p ]

Niaw've Mokri arrives on Ta'antasi and meets Amanti. The 2 of them and the Ta'antasi Na'vi fight for Pandora and defeat the RDA attackers. Now, the First Voice rides a bigger ikran ( Leonopteryx ) and finds the Dormant Well of Souls. Enjoy! PS: As gameplay, this is the last part. If you want to see the Credits and the Finale video, check part 29 and part 30.

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