Saturday, June 26, 2010

Movie Review - Edge of Darkness (2010)

Mel Gibson's got a new movie out, called The Edge of Darkness. He plays a Boston police detective and is visited by his daughter who is shot on his front porch after she gets mysteriously sick and needs to go to the doctor.

To be honest, this movie made me yawn a few times. I went back and forth, trying to figure out if it was supposed to be a serious movie or some sort of joke. The fight scenes (the few offered) were quite comic bookish and the filming seemed strange. The problem, though, is the story just drug on and on.

I have always liked Mel Gibson movies. He is a legend with movies like Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3, 4 and great films like Braveheart and The Passion. There is a reason why he is very popular around the world. But this newest movie just seemed to lack that realistic element most of his movies have, not to mention the usual pounding action that we've all come to love.

The Edge of Darkness, although filmed in 2010 and set during the same time, seems old and antiquated. Most of the time I thought I was watching some 1980's cop movie, instead of one more relevant.

With a terrible plot, terrible filming and even worse ending, I'm glad I didn't pay money to see this film. I feel robbed, just losing the two hours it took to struggle through it. You might consider foregoing this flick and maybe read a book or something.

New Book

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