Watching the Oscar's last night I was reminded that entertainment is our number one export to the world. I was also amazed at the following lessons that jumped at me:
First and foremost who does not get excited about the glitz and the red carpet. The Oscars are like the Super Bowl they are bigger than us. We should all strive to put on that large of a show for our customers.
1. Control the message and presentation of the message. Engage the audience by telling a compelling story and keep them engaged.
2. Tell a compelling story. You can not bore anyone into staying involved. Keep them engaged on the edge of their seats.
3. Engage and interact with the audience. People love to be involved we want to be as one with those on the screens.
4. Market your website and text accounts. Also push your product tell them how to order.
5. Keep them asking for more. Repeat business is the key. Know you lifetime value.
6. The underdog can win. Think of Hurt Locker vs Avatar
7. Family values do matter. Think of the Blindside
8. Make them walk down a red carpet to get to your product.
9. Believe in your product and strut it out because no one else will.
If we strive to entertain and tell a compelling story with our ads we can drive higher response rates and readership rates. To quote the late David Oligvy, "You can not bore anyone into buying your product." We all want to be entertained, no one does business with those that bore them. Make your clients walk down your red carpet.
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